Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I express gratitude and praise to God each day for His abundant mercy and grace, which have empowered and chosen us to embark on a mission to expand our territory.
My wife, Kimberly, our baby, and I have answered God’s call to journey to Indonesia to assist our co-missionary, Yehezekiel Lampah, in fulfilling the divine directive to establish a Mission School in TALAUD, INDONESIA.
In obedience to God’s call to Indonesia, we have relinquished all and liquidated our possessions, signifying our unwavering commitment.
Undertaking missionary work in a foreign land with a family presents formidable challenges, particularly with the care of an infant. At times during our preparations, we found ourselves beset with hesitation, especially concerning our baby’s welfare. However, the Lord admonished us with the words, “YOU OF LITTLE FAITH,” penetrating our hearts deeply. We sought forgiveness and surrendered our lives entirely to Him.
Following our repentance, our apprehensions transformed into joy, doubts into peace, as God showered us with numerous confirmations of our journey. He graciously provided for all our needs, often through unexpected channels. Our prayers were ceaseless until the day of our departure.
Upon our arrival in Talaud Island, God immediately utilized us to preach in various churches every Sunday and speak at revival nights twice. Furthermore, we have been instrumental in teaching English using the Bible to elders and teenagers on weekdays.
Praise God, the School of Missions Talaud is scheduled to commence its three-month basic program in July. Presently, we are diligently preparing the facilities, aiming for completion by June this year.
We humbly request your prayers as we persevere in fulfilling the tasks assigned to us. We firmly believe that responding to God’s call as a family necessitates unwavering commitment, despite discomfort and uncertainties. There are no excuses; obedience surpasses sacrifice.
Aries & Kimberly, missionary to Indonesia