Dear brethren,
School of Mission, Davao Base
WHEN WE KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, WE WILL HAVE A LOVE FOR THE LOST. For Christ’s love compels us, because I am convinced that One died for all…2Cor. 5:14
PRESENT MINISTRY INVOLVEMENTThe School of Missions is not operating yet, because the school buildings are not finish yet due to lack of budget. In spite of that, it does not mean that my ministry is also paralyze.Presently, I am actively coordination a mass distribution of Book of Hope throughout Samal Island. By the month of August, we are going to distribute 24,000 copies of Book of HOpe from elementary level up to high school and college.Not only coordination the Book of Hope but also conducting Discipleship Trainings with some local churches. Another ministry that I am actively doing is Preaching Ministry in different churches. I took this opportunity to promote about the ministry of the Missions Motivators-School of Missions. My ministry in not confined only in the Body of Christ. The City Department of Education also inviting me to speak during special gatherings. Once a month I am also leading devotions with the city officials during monthly sessions.
PRAYER REQUEST1. Budget for the building of our school. We still need Php300,000.00 to finish the staff house and the comfort rooms.2. That God will send right resource speakers and students Pray for our prospect students: Deo Archie A. Balana Political Science gradute Michele Tabanag Bachelor of Theology graduate Michele Fernandez Commerce graduate and first year in the college of law Jisebel C. Concon Accountancy graduate Afel C. Concon Bachelor of Education graduate Jing San Juan Bachelor of Education graduate3. That God will help us prepare ourselves in foriegn missions
FAST FACTS ABOUT SAMALThe Island Garden City of Samal (IGaCoS) is monickered as “the place ehich has it all”. As an island, a garden, and a city, it has the both seas, and the sand. It has enchanting mountains, fertile plains, anb scenic hills. Its group of islands are located in the Gulf of Davao about 700 meters of Davao City. The total land area of the Island is around 30,130 hectars.These islands is a coastal paradise at the heart of Davao Gulf with 118 kilometers of costlines, it has a cluster of 9 islets. IGaCoS is a component city of Davao del Norte created by virtue of R.A.8471. Considered the first amalgamation on March 7, 1998. The population is approx. 90,000. It is divided into 3 districts and have 46 barangays.Eventhough, it was declared city 9 years ago and claiming “An Urbanizing Center withen a Rural Setting.” The place is still undevelop, maroirty of its residents are still living in a low poverty level. Main roads are not pave, no food hauses, and no recreation centers. Your Servant In Christ,
Jun Nunez, Asst. Director, School of Mission, Davao Base, Philippines
School of Mission, Baguio, Philippines
Only God Can make the Useless, Useful
Mdm. Elena Valiente
God is a God of creativity. Everything and everybody that He created has each and their own uniqueness and purpose. So no matter how we were designed and sculpted, our existence in this world is not an accident. For long before we were conceived by our parents we were conceived in the mind of God. In view of my life testimony, I was born physically defective, single handed to be specific. This made me think that I’m absolutely useless but I found out that I’m absolutely wrong when God brought me into the right place of knowing myself an discovering God’s purpose to me. After six years of ignoring God’s call, I finally enrolled In Mission Motivators – school of Missions by the year 2004. Within the three and a half months of training I can’t explain the difficulties and endurance I went through. It seems it was a Calvary to me. The easy life and the years of enjoying my comfort zone were gone, now I have to face and endure my most discomfort zone. Let me mention some of my most struggles, of course, that’s concerned to my physical thing, washing my clothes, doing my routinary works with my only one hand is a very hard thing for me to do. Besides I was a “spoiled brat” and I don’t know anything than to eat and sleep. I was pampered and nursed since my childhood but now I have to take care of myself and do everything because nobody will do for me. Nevertheless, I knew that my tears, patient and endurance in this training will bring me somewhere. After my graduation In the same year, God fulfilled one of His plan for me. He made me one of the staff of my beloved Alma matter, which is a very wonderful privilege. Being a staff is indeed the continuation of my training of God’s greater plan to me. The school had given me the privilege to work in some areas such as teaching , preaching and to continue my worship leading ministry. Truly, by the grace of God and because of how my school lovingly motivates and encouraged me, I was able to overcome my fear to stand in front of people. And I just thank God for molding me and using me now. Now I know, I was not born to be served but born to be a servant. Useful and not useless in the kingdom of God. Glory to God alone! (MM-SOM Staff)
Cambodia Mission News 2007
The Cambodia Mission expresses profound gratitude to our Mission Partners and Sponsors for constant partnership and unfading commitment for the sake of Christ. Every sacrifice you make through giving and prayers opens golden opportunities for the dying “unbelievers” to hear the Gospel message. In Siem Reap Mission Base, spiritual son was born after all periods of travail by Bro. Mark. Glory to our awesome God! His 3Ms Ministry (Monks, Muslim, and Military Hospital) provides a way for these people to experience salvation in their lives. In Kampong Thom Mission Base, the first House Church in Somraong Village (one of our village outreaches) was born through our house-to-house evangelism, teaching English and Bible. In addition, another Bible study to a family in one of our village outreaches is also started. On the other hand, the Church building permit was granted and the Church building is soon to rise in God’s sweet time. In Svay Reing Mission Base, aside from their ministries in their home base, new evangelism ministry through teaching English in their nearby village has opened. God bless the youth and children! Our utmost for the Highest!