The mission of Mission Motivators (MM) is to recruit, train, equip, and send missionaries of hope and transformation for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission. “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19)
We believe that all Christians must be involved in missions in some way. We, Mission Motivators, motivate whole man to present the whole Gospel throughout the whole world.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s son; that people are created in God’s image; that He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ; that although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ; that repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace towards us; that God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth; and that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandment, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations….” (Matthew 28:19); that our Lord Jesus is coming back soon to judge the living and dead. Maranatha!
We are COMMITTED (Core Value)
- Kingdom Mindset: Seeking God and His business first (Matt 6:10, 33, Rom 12:1, 8:17, Col 3:2, 2Cor 4:18, Isa 61:1-6, Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)
- Spiritual Growth: Providing opportunities for everyone to develop Christlike character and in their areas of calling in order to serve others effectively for all nations. (Gen 1:26, Rom 12:4, 5, 2Pet 3:18, Eph 3:18,19)
- Team Spirit: When God’s people come together as a team to achieve a common goal, their unified effort brings divine power and world transforming moves of God to the earth. (Eph 4:16, Mk 6:7, 1Cor 1:10, 12:14 Ps 133:1)
- Volunteer Heart: Sharing God’s love through service with given gifts and talents freely. (1Cor 9:14, Col 3:22-24 1Pet 4:10, Prov 11:24)
The Elders
- Dr. Paul D. Kim, Founder & Int’l President, Leading Elder
- Elder Clemente Balangue, Int’l Executive V.P, Elder
- Rev. Perlito Gatman, Int’l V.P in South East Asia, Elder
- Dr. Justice Appiah-Kubi, Int’l VP in Africa, Elder
- Dr. Desiderio Cabanlit, President in Philippines, Elder
- Elder Sokun Sun, Cambodia, Elder
The Advisers
- Dr. Thomas Lee (USA)
- Elder Renato Balangue (USA)
- Rev. Ray Cueto (USA)
- Rev. Somboon Pratuan (Thailand)
- Elders Greg & Linda Espejo (Philippines)
- Rev. Budi Hartono & Rev. Dora Kansil (Indonesia)
The Committee
- Atty. Nathalie Quinones, General Secretary (Philippines)
- Hon. Orly Amit, V.P (Philippines)
- Hon. Ivy Ballitoc (Philippines)
- Rev. Ryan Villiasa (Philippines)
- Rev. Juovan Juromay(Philippines)
- Angelique Pangan, General Treasurer(Philippines)
- Ibu. Lanny Wihardjo(Indonesia)
- Ibu. Leny Tohir (Indonesia)
- Pak. Prayogi (Indonesia)
- Rev. Hoatta (Indonesia)
- Rev. Syafrin Tiranda, Executive Director (Papua)
- Pak. Nelson Raweyai (Papua)
- Pak. Erick (Papua)
The Directors
- Rona Fabillar Deputy Director of Int’l Relations
- Rev. Peter Soriano Mobilizing Director
- Sam Huu Nguyen “L”country MM Administrator
- Danilo Sarmiento Training Director, SOM, “L” Country
- Rev. Jhovan Juromay Director of the Prayer Mountain
- Dr. Desiderio Cabanlit Administrator, Asia Graduate school of Intercultural Studies
- Rev. Jerson Labadia Training Director, SOM- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Jordan Rodrigo, Executive Assistant to the President
- Aries Respecia Missionary, SOM-Talaud, Indonesia
- Yehezkiel Lampah Director of Int’l Youth Ministry
- Jimmer Villar Training Director, SOM, Philippines
- Niko Tabuni President of Alumni in Indonesia
- Teppanie Walit Director of Outreach/Project Development
- Rev. Jay Delos Reyes, Senior chaplain
- Rev. Albertho Imbiri, Training Director SOM-Papua
- Jerwin Diego, Center Director, Samal, Philippines
- Pinky Cordero, Center Manager, Samal, Philippines
The Staff
- Glenn Cueto Web Master
- Roy Bulagsac Senior Staff
- Laurence Martinez Field Staff
- Valgilyn Gasoc Student Affairs
- Michellie Jane Bayer Kitchen Supervisor
- Lucita Bulagsac Hospitality Staff
- Delmark Paundag, Missionary care staff
- Donna Diego, Office staff
- Roland Barte Maintenance Staff
The Intercessors
- Marialyn Ortiz, Staff, PCAN, Isabela
- Ericka Flores, Staff, PCAN, Isabela
- Noli Ayok, Staff, Prayer Mountain, Makilala
- Cristin Edo, Staff, Prayer Mountain, Makilala